Saturday, December 7, 2024


By now, you may have noticed that we have some music by Xband and ALEX MURPHY PROJECT_ available on most of the major streaming services.  If you haven't, please check them out at:

(After clicking the link, scroll to the bottom for the links to the profiles on Apple Music & Spotify)

The earliest of these songs has been available since this past August.  Recording, editing, mixing, and mastering (so they sound decent on most of the types of speakers most of the types of people use) all come with a significant cost, but lets pretend they didn't for the purposes of this post.

Licensing and distributing a cover song costs $12 - 20 per year.  Currently, we have 5 songs available on the streaming services with #6 on the way.  When it's all said and done we will have paid $96 for these songs to be available.

Currently, each play is earning around $0.01 (it's actually very slightly less).  If they were original songs, they would be earning very slightly more.  In our case - and remember we're only pretending there isn't a cost for recording, editing, mixing, and mastering - it would take 9600 plays across all six songs just to break even for the costs of licensing and distribution.

Since August, we have just over 200 plays across all platforms.  We are not in any way expecting to turn a profit from streaming plays.

All of the currently available ALEX MURPHY PROJECT_ tracks will expire during the Fall of 2025.  The Xband tracks will expire by the end of December in 2025, but we may consider relicensing them on special occasions - ie. in the Summers when the songs have 5, 10, 15, etc. -year anniversaries of their original releases.  However...we can't offer any guarantees of that happening.

What can you do?  Two things:

1.  In the case of the Xband can share and stream the songs a whole lot and hope we'll reach a point where they at least break even.

2.  In the case of the ALEX MURPHY PROJECT_ music, you can share and buy the songs from iTunes/ Amazon for $0.99.

In the current environment, recordings have assumed the role of a sonic business card, and we're not sure you won't start to see recordings by major artists disappearing periodically so that the event of re-releasing them earns some additional plays.  This probably isn't how it SHOULD work...but it is how it DOES work - at least for the time being.

THE NEXT Xband Tonight - we're announcing a reworked promotion to form The Next Xband. Over the last 1...